Kaizen Team Attends 2019 AIST Awards

The Kaizen team attended the 2019 AIST awards event where it was great to connect with so many of our clients including AIST, IFM Investors, HESTA, State Street, First State Super, Frontier Advisors and MTAA Super.

A special mention goes to HESTA who dominated the awards winning most of their nominated categories within the areas of communications, and fund projects.

It was also exciting to witness the awards for the next generation of superannuation talent with the Super Grads class of 2019 presentation. The Kaizen team wishes them all the best for their careers.

Finally, Kaizen would like to thank AIST for organising such a fun evening that we were able to share with so many of our industry colleagues.


Sukhi Chahal General Manager & Marketing Recruitment Consultant

Kaizen Recruitment specialises financial services recruitment across funds management, wealth management, superannuation, investment consulting and insurance. We are based in Melbourne and Sydney. For assistance or further information please telephone our office at +61 3 9095 7157 or submit an online form.

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